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Adolescent Coach Cards

Adolescent Coach Cards
Adolescent Coach Cards
42 fun photos with provocative questions.

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€ 15,95

Stock : 10

The PuberCoach cards consist of 42 appealing photos with thought-provoking questions. It helps adolescents to articulate who they are, what makes them special, and what they need to stay true to themselves.

In adolescence, it's all about discovering who you are, what's important to you, what you're good at, what you find challenging, and what you want to achieve. The set is divided into four categories, identifiable by the color on the back of the card.

The images help you to dream and challenge you to give honest answers. These answers make you aware of what you feel and think. They provide direction in a time when it's important to make the right choices for the future.

The PuberCoach cards are made in close collaboration with adolescents, making them perfectly tailored to the language and experience of 12- to 16-year-olds.

Note: This article is in Dutch!


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Jeroen and Mariska Veehof are experience experts in the field of autism, they are the proud parents of three sons, two of which have been diagnosed. Autishop has grown into the supplier with a wide range of products. Thanks to favorable pricing, expert advice and fast delivery, more and more individuals, schools and institutions are finding Autishop.

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